You can use the letters in C.A.R.E. to ask if it might be time for a helping hand. C.A.R.E stands for: Cues, Assistance, Responsiveness, and Engagement.
- CUES – Are there noticeable changes to appearance, hygiene, or housekeeping? Changes to hygiene may indicate they need someone to assist, as an inability to maintain one’s hygiene can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health.
- ASSISTANCE – Is there a need for support for mobility or daily living activities? As mobility changes, shopping, cooking, and cleaning can be challenging. When you visit your loved one, check that there is fresh (not expired) food in the fridge and that the home looks well-maintained and free of tripping hazards, clutter, or garbage.
- RESPONSIVENESS – Are changes in cognitive functioning happening, such as repeating themselves, forgetting, or getting frustrated when communicating? Unopened mail, unpaid bills, and unfilled prescriptions are a few examples that could have serious ramifications when not completed on time.
- ENGAGEMENT – Are their social interactions limited? How much time are they alone? According to the National Institute on Aging, older adults are especially susceptible to social isolation and loneliness, which can seriously affect their health.
C.A.R.E. is a valuable resource to determine if your loved one would benefit from in-home care. Many people can worry that noticing these needs will require an extreme change that may cause their loved one to lose their independence, be very costly, or both. Often this isn’t the case.
As we age, we all could use a little help making life easier. That’s where home care can be a tremendous – and more economical – solution.
Huntingdon Valley Home Care offers the industry’s most comprehensive care program that covers every need to keep someone independent, safe, and comfortable at home.
If you’ve noticed a need arising with your aging loved one, HVHC is here to answer all your questions. Feel free to call the office @ (267) 279-9113 to meet the team, discuss your concerns, and create a customized care plan to meet your loved one’s needs today and as their needs change.
Early support is an excellent, cost-saving way for your loved one to remain safe and independent and age where they want to: in the comfort of their home.