Family Caregiver Salary in Pennsylvania (PA)

If you’re looking into choosing a family caregiver, you’re probably wondering what your family caregiver’s salary will be.
The following are our range of standard pay rates. Your family caregiver’s total salary will depend on the amount of hours they work.
Our pay rates range between $12.00 – $16.00 per hour and $18.00 – $22.50 per overtime hour. These rates are a general range but do not necessarily indicate the highest paying rates at our home care agency.
It is difficult to publish specific “highest paying family caregiver rates” as situations may vary. It is also important to note that consumers in the Pennsylvania (PA) Medicaid-Sponsored HCBS programs may request most people to be their paid caregiver – regardless of whether or not they are a family member.Â
Let’s Talk
Please contact us to discuss your family caregiver’s salary at (267) 279-9113. We will be happy to review which factors affect your caregiver’s salary and discuss things that you may be able to do to increase it.