How a Family Member Can Get Paid by the State to Provide Home Care in Pennsylvania (PA)

Pennsylvania’s Department of Human Services will cover the costs of your home care and allow you to choose a family member to be your paid caregiver. Perhaps the most common scenario is when elderly parents with a disability have children who are their caregivers. A child can get paid to care for their parent (mother or father). However, the process for applying for government assistance for people with family caregivers, and the eligibility rules that govern who qualifies are often unclear. We have developed this guide to help you understand how the program works, answer your questions, and give you the tools you’ll need to enroll.
Consider the following example:
Joanna Torres was a dedicated mother who had worked hard her whole life caring for her children and grandchildren. Now in her 80s, she had reached a point where she herself needed help with dressing, walking, bathing, and meal preparation. Her daughter Samantha was there as often as possible, but she had to work full-time to support her own family.
Samantha wanted to get her mom a caregiver, but she knew that her mother would be uncomfortable with a stranger in her home. Then Samantha learned that she could get paid to care for her mother. She told her mother, and Joanna enrolled in Pennsylvania’s Community Healthchoices (CHC) program. Samantha was now able to give her mother the kind of care that only a daughter can provide without compromising on her responsibilities to her own family.
There are two important categories for which you must qualify in order to be eligible for services: Clinical and Financial.
Clinical Eligibility
This means that you must be determined to require home care. While there are many technical aspects to this, we recommend that you ask yourself if you need home care before applying.
Financial Eligibilty
Financial eligibility is broken down into two parts: income and assets.
- Income is money coming in on a steady basis such as Social Security or a Pension.
- Assets refer to what the consumer has on hand such as money in bank accounts.
Non-Married Consumers qualify for services if their monthly income is less than $2,382 and their assets are less than $8,000. Married consumers are allowed higher limits depending on their circumstances. Additionally, consumers with income above the limits can often still qualify for services by what is know as “spend-down”.
Calculations for financial eligibility can become quite complex and we have not attempted to break down every circumstance. Please note, however, that consumers that avoid applying because they think they are ineligible financially may well be doing themselves a disservice. In many cases, it may be worthwhile to apply and to receive a determination. You will then gain insight into your options. Additionally, some consumers may benefit from seeking professional counsel to learn their eligibility options.
Need More Help? Let’s Talk
Please contact us at 267-279-9113 to discuss what your caregiver’s pay rate and salary can be.
Family Members that are Allowed to be Paid Family Caregivers

Most family members can get paid for taking care of their loved ones under Pennsylvania’s Community Healthchoices home care program. However, there are some exceptions. The following are answers to some common situations:
Can children get paid to take care of their parents?
Yes. Children can get paid for taking care of their parents.
Can spouses get paid to take care of each other?
Spouses are not allowed to be be paid caregivers as they are considered legally responsible for each other.
Can parents get paid to take care of their children?
It depends. Parents can get paid for taking care of adult children. However, parents cannot get paid to care for minor children for whom they are legally responsible.
Can grandparents get paid to take care of their grandchildren?
Yes. Grandparents can get paid for taking care of their grandchildren.
Can a child get paid to care for their mother (mom)?
Yes. A child can get paid for taking care of their mother (mom).
Can a child get paid to care for their father (dad)?
Yes. A child can get paid for taking care of their father (dad).
Can a wife get paid to take care of her husband?
Spouses are not allowed to be be paid caregivers as they are considered legally responsible for each other.
Can a husband get paid to take care of his wife?
Spouses are not allowed to be be paid caregivers as they are considered legally responsible for each other.
Certification and Training for Family Caregivers in Pennsylvania (PA)
Are family caregivers required to have any training or certification?
Yes. Family caregivers are required to have the same level of training as any other caregiver. But don’t worry if your family member has not yet received training. We can help with the training and certification process and it is usually not a big inconvenience.